Irish-Name-Repo 1*3 - PicoCTF 2019

Created by: X-Billy

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Irish-Name-Repo 1

Points: 300
Difficulty: Medium

Let’s see what will happen with the first one
There are Admin login, So what!!
For sure we will try SQli
Let’s try Basic payload admin'or'1'='1 --


Flag is picoCTF{s0m3_SQL_93e76603} Easy to hack :D
Let’s see what’s next

Irish-Name-Repo 2

Points: 350
Difficulty: Medium

It’s look like the first one, So let’s go to the Admin Login Then let’s try our Basic Payload admin'or'1'='1 --


So let’s see our source code probably find something important
We got debug mode 0
So what will happen if we change it from 0 to 1 let’s see what will happen


Now we can see the SQL query
Aha, But it’s looks normal but I think there is Filtration in the or
So What will happen if we did that admin'--

Flag is picoCTF{m0R3_SQL_plz_83dad972}
Easy to hack again :P
I hope to find something hard in the next one

Irish-Name-Repo 3

Points: 400
Difficulty: Medium

It’s look like the first one, So let’s go to the Admin Login, Hmm there is something different in this one it’s takes password only
So let’s see what will happen if we did debug 1 again


Hmmm, I think it’s takes our input then do Some Rot13
then let encode our payload from admin’or’1’=’1 to nqzva’be’1’=’1

flag is picoCTF{3v3n_m0r3_SQL_ef7eac2f} Its work now but it’s looks easy again :D